NASA: Astronomy Picture of the Day(2024-02-13)

2024. 2. 13. 23:14Astronomy

lalaloo 입니다.

This photo is the Astronomy Picture of the Day provided by NASA.

나사에서 매일 업데이트하는 오늘의 우주 모습입니다.


Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.

이 사진의 제목은 <A January Wolf Moon> 입니다.

해당 작품의 소유권은 Antoni Zegarski 에게 있습니다.


Did you see the full moon last month? During every month, on average, a full moon occurs in the skies over planet Earth. This is because the Moon takes a month to complete another orbit around our home planet, goes through all of its phases, and once again has its entire Earth-facing half lit by reflected sunlight. Many indigenous cultures give each full moon a name, and this past full moon's names include the Ice Moon, the Stay at Home Moon, and the Quiet Moon. Occurring in January on the modern western calendar, several cultures have also named the most recent full moon the Wolf Moon, in honor of the famous howling animal. Featured here above the Italian Alps mountains, this past Wolf Moon was captured in combined long and short exposure images. The image is striking because, to some, the surrounding clouds appear as a wolf's mouth ready to swallow the Wolf Moon, while others see the Moon as a wolf's eye.